Thursday, April 20, 2006

Crazy cat lady

I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a “cat person,” but then again, I’m probably not being completely honest with myself if I don’t. When I think of “cat people,” the image that comes to mind is less than appealing. In fact, my very first thought goes back to a story my friend Heather told me when she used to have my job as PR Manager for the theatre. She was carrying press packets on opening night and ran into another employee and that employee’s boyfriend. Apparently, the boyfriend claimed to be a member of the press, and their conversation went something like this:

Heather: Oh really? Where do you work?

Employee’s Boyfriend: Actually, I have my own radio station.

H: Really? What format?

E.B.: It’s an online radio station for cats.

H: Oh . . . What kind of music do cats like?

E.B.: Pretty much anything, except Ozzie Osbourne.

H: Cats don’t like Ozzie Osbourne?

E.B.: No.

She gave him a press packet. I asked her if she ever followed up with the guy to see if he reviewed the show for his audiences and if any of them purchased tickets. That sent us into a fit of giggles, envisioning cats lined up at the Herberger, ticket in paw, waiting to see the new Pulitzer-winning drama, Anna in the Tropics.

I digress.The point is that guy was a “cat person.” I love cats and find wonderful enjoyment in If you have a cat at your house, I will find it and love it and make it play with me whether it wants to or not. I love my cat, Daisy. However, I do not have pictures of her displayed on my desk at work, and I do not know when her birthday is (sometime in April . . . that’s as much as I can deduce). I used to give her wet food on Sundays (because it’s God’s day, and cats deserve a special treat on God’s day, I guess), but that schedule went awry when I had children.

Why is it taking me so long to get to my story?

Lately we’ve been seeing a lot of cats around our house. About a couple of months ago, I started to hear kitty-cat howling from about 7:30 PM until 10 or 11 PM. I’d go outside and look around, but I never saw a cat. Daisy would perk up and look around as well. Last week, the twins and I were playing in the family room and there was a tiger-striped, male, NON-neutered cat rubbing against our sliding glass door. I thought, ‘Oh, this is the kitty howler.’ A few days later, I saw a cat’s shadow through our kitchen window, opened the blinds, and there was a humungous orange and white long-haired cat walking along our fence. ‘Hmmm…maybe this is the kitty howler . . . .’ On Saturday my dad and I were leaving my house to grab some lunch, and when I opened the door to my garage, the tiger-striped cat was standing right there in front of my door. Later that evening, a completely DIFFERENT orange cat (short-haired and slightly smaller) was outside our sliding glass door. We both turned to Daisy who was enjoying a lovely bath after her dinner and said, “Daisy! What’s going on here?” She’s been spayed, so it’s not like she’s in heat and all of the male cats in the neighborhood are flocking to be with her. However . . . three cats within a couple of days? Come on!So I guess I wrote about how I’m not a cat person because I really wanted to write about the cat infestation without sounding like a crazy cat person. Then again, I believe I recently blogged about Daisy.


I’m a cat person!


Actions and Consequences said...

I knew Daisy was a slut. She did change sexual partners a lot and that's how she got the UTI!

VeryApeAZ said...

My sister's cat Duchess was NOT spayed. We would have cats lined up on our wraparound porch and even on the roof. All hours of the day we would hearing howling and yowling. One time one randy alley cat couldn't take it any more and busted through a screened window.