Monday, March 20, 2006

Date Night: Revisited

I really try to keep my posts here to amusing anecdotes and not laundry lists of activities, but I just have got to rave about Saturday.

Michael was coaching a baseball game in the morning, so Dylan, Kyle and I set out on an adventure. Our destination? Little Chops in Glendale. You see, the last time the boys had a haircut, we took them to a regular in-and-out spritz, cut, comb place, and it was a DISASTER! Screaming, crying, kicking . . . Not fun. Actually, that wasn't technically the twins' last haircut . . . But we are never to speak of the horrible wickedness that plagued my scissors and poor Kyle's hair.

Little Chops was so great, the boys didn't want to leave! Each station has a different "vehicle," so the kids get to pick which one they like: a silver airplane, a red jeep, a white police car, etc. In addition, each station also has a TV with VCR and DVD player. I selected some lovely flick with Elmo, and they were in heaven. Dylan fussed a little, but there were no tears, no screaming, just beautiful little boy haircuts. When they were finished, they each got a balloon.

The balloons didn't last long. The trouble with my kids and helium balloons is that they won't let me tie the balloon down to anything - not their wrist, their overalls, nothing. So, off we went to Babies 'R Us to find a baby shower gift for our friends, and no sooner do we enter the baby warehouse then do those lovely balloons float up, up, up and away from my two, now quite un-pacified children. Shopping at Babies 'R Us was not fun.

On to the shower. We arrived at a packed house a women with the intention of only dropping off the gifts, but ended up staying for about an hour. Dylan and Kyle frequently got lost in the sea of legs, and I would hear, "Mommy! Mommy!" from multiple rooms. After a bite to eat and a diaper change, we were off!

Home. Nap time? No, just kidding! Michael cam home just in time to relieve me of my mommy duties, and I conked out for about an hour. Beautiful. When I woke up, the three of them were all equally ready for naps, and they all slept from 3 until 5 PM while I enjoyed the quiet time by myself. Lovely.

Since the twins had such late and long naps, we crossed our fingers and took them out to dinner to Paul Lee's Chinese Kitchen. We had never taken them to a sit-down restaurant by ourselves before (usually we travel with the grandparent posse), and it was such a success! They colored and chatted, and enjoyed the atmosphere, and they even let us eat.

To cap off our beautiful evening, we stopped by Michael's school's varsity baseball game. It was COLD, so we didn't stay long. Michael taught the boys to cheer "Go Tigers!" and "Go! Go! Go!" which they did. Whenever someone would hit the ball (be it from our team or the opponent), they would cheer "Go Tigers!" or "Go! Go! Go!" It was adorable.

What a great date!


~~~Aunt Laurie said...

What a beautiful day you had! Thank you for sharing it, Jen! (Did Dylan wear his pink hat to the game?) ;o)

Jen said...

The pink hat is official MIA - I honestly have no idea where it is. The car, perhaps?