Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A house of animals: or a really bad toddler version of 'A Chorus Line'

The twins have a new game, and it's hysterical. You name an animal, any animal (dog, cat, lion, Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex, meerkat, bird, etc.) and they act it out. This is really Kyle's game, and Dylan plays along. It is a riot to watch. For the most part, Kyle only has two (maybe three) animals. Half the animals make high-pitched noises, and the other half make deep, throaty noises. Most walk on all fours.

The other day, Kyle was being a jaguar, and Dylan didn't like it:

Dylan: I no like the jaguar Kai-Kai. No do that one.

Kyle: OK.

Dylan: Be a zebra Kai-Kai.

Kyle: OK.

Interestingly enough, Kyle's jaguar and zebra walk on all fours and make the same deep, throaty noise. Dylan wasn't scared.

Today we challenged them: Be a fish! Be a turtle! Be a snail!

Oh my goodness . . . Isn't there a scene in A Chorus Line where someone talks about having to be an ice-cream cone or something in acting class?

Paging Ms. Babcock! Ms. Babcock, are you there? Is Tyler around? . . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the delay!!

bobsled, table, ice cream cone

"I dug right down to the bottom of my soul to see how an ice cream felt. I dug right down to the bottom of my soul and I tried to melt"

I pulled out my movie just to make sure I was right. :)