Lately Dylan has been very particular about what he wears. Recall the pink hat story from March. And yes, the pink hat is still a daily presence in our lives.
I'm totally OK with him having opinions about his attire, and I've given up on making sure his clothes match (if he wants to wear plaid shorts and a rainbow-striped long-sleeved shirt, fine). My bigger concern right now is that he has a very strong opinion about clothes, and he only seems to like a small number of items in his wardrobe.
Ask my mother. She spent over an hour last week at Kohl's looking for clothes that Dylan might like. When she presented every item to him, he announced "no like it." We finally got him interested in a pair of red shorts and a blue striped top that he tolerated.
Meanwhile, my father and stepmother were out purchasing some pajamas to replace the Nemo and Mickey pajamas that are so small for the kids, I feared poor Kyle couldn't breathe! Sure enough, they found Dylan some larger Nemo PJs and some cute Buzz Lightyear PJs for Kyle. They wore them to bed last night, and this morning when I went to get them up Dylan immediately grabbed at his shirt and said, "Nemo shirt Mommy! No dress!" He didn't want me to undress him. I decided the PJs were cute enough and appropriate enough to wear to Kathy's house for the day, so I said, "OK, you can wear the Nemo jammies to Kathy's house, but I need to change your diaper."
Dylan didn't believe me.
"Kai-kai diaper," he said. So, I changed Kyle's diaper, and Dylan watched carefully as I replaced his Buzz Lightyear pajama bottoms. Satisfied, he brought me his diaper and said, "Fresh diaper. Nemo jammies?"
"Yes Dylan. You can wear the Nemo jammies."
I KNEW IT!!!! We should've gotten Dylan a duplicate pair of Nemo PJs, so he could alternate his outfits every other day!!!! :0)
Mama said...
Just like his father, Michael. He took over his wardrobe at the same age, refusing to let anyone pick out his clothes! Shopping trips were only done with him in tow to pick out what he would wear. All I was required to do was to steer him from the pricey items to the Sale Items, and then pay for the clothing :P
like michael? please his clothes are all gym stuff. Dylan's is outrageous. I think its the influcene of "dad and priscilla."
I mean, san francisco, grew up in the 60s, colorful art...
They have Dylan walking around in crazy clothes so they can get flashbacks and trip!
Arizona Theatre Company. One moment.
One ringy dingy, two ringy dingy.
Oh Jennifer is on the phone, would like her voice mail or conitnue to hold?
My nephew Eli has those same jami's, and they are his favorite.
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