So the rules are, once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 6 weird things/habits about yourself. In the end you need to list 6 other people to tag and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment saying "You've been tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog...
1. I unintentionally transfer stress from myself to my husband. What I mean is, if I'm stressed out about something like the house being clean, the way I like to deal with my stress is to tell Michael every little thing that needs to be accomplished to make me happy. Then I feel better because after I've verbalized the list of chores, it's not as bad as I originally thought. The problem is, then Michael gets all stressed out because he likes to deal with one problem at a time. So, in de-stressing myself, I end up stressing out my husband.
2. I jump at the chance to tell you that you're wrong and why. I don't know why I do this. I think I just like to be right, and I'd like to know everything, even though I know that is impossible. Once I told Joe, "I know I don't know everything, I just want people to think I know everything."
3. I get caught in horrible cycles. For example, I haven't been to the dentist in almost a year (and yes, I sort of already blogged about this in December). I hav been putting off going to the dentist because the last time I went, he gave me this stuff called Gel-Kam. I was instructed to brush my teeth with it right afterI regularly brushed my teeth. It's not horrible-tasting, but you're not supposed to drink or eat anything for 20 minutes after using it, which is really hard for me because I HAVE to have a drink of water after I brush my teeth. So, I haven't been using the stuff, and I don't want to disappoint the dentist. I figured I would put off going to the dentist, use the Gel-Kam and maybe he wouldn't notice I hadn't used it for a while. The thing is, I hate using it, so I haven't been using it, so I can't go to the dentist, etc. etc.
4. I will always see the bad before the good. This is true for so many things, and Michael points this out to me all the time. I'll come home and not notice clean dishes or pictures hung or weeds pulled, but I can walk into a room and in two seconds see Cheerios on the floor . . . and man, I jump all over him!
5. I have to pee right before I go to sleep. This may not sound odd, but you don't know the extent of it. I will pee when I get into my PJs, but if I don't immediately crawl into bed and go directly to sleep I will be back in the bathroom peeing again and again. Sometimes I will go play on the computer, then come back to my room/bathroom and pee, then get into bed and grab my book. After I read a bit, I'll go pee again. Then if I don't fall asleep quickly, I'm bound to get up once again to pee. Why? If I have time to think, 'Do I have to pee?' then, well, I do. I'm kind of surprised that I have anything to eliminate. Why didn't it all leave my body 3 minutes ago when I last went to pee?
6. I spell things with my thumb and index finger. Say I'm a passenger in a vehicle, and I see a sign. I'll pick a word or phrase printed on that sign and use my index finger to spell out each letter on my thumb (right hand only). Sometimes I get fancy and curly-qy (Ys are fun). Often I keep repeating the same word or phrase with my fingers over and over again until it kind of starts to hurt, and then I force myself to stop. Don't worry, I don't do this when I'm driving!
OK, now I don't know who to tag because the only blogs I read on blogspot are Joe's and Ted's (and Ted tagged me and Joe). Joe just informed me that I could tag myspacers, so here goes: Sara, Sarah, Missy, Mike, Stephanie, Jen K. You are IT!!
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Okay so for a year and a half I've been obsessed with my teeth. I would do this 15 minute routine before bed. Dry brush, floss very well, brush my teeth (at one point it was with an electric toothbrush because I heard it was better for you), for like three or four minutes, and then do a flouride treatment. This consisted of swishing thick liquid mixed with water around my mouth for about three minutes.
Now I brush my teeth several times a day and floss maybe once a week with the fluride treatment. I'm really looking forward to my teeth cleaning so I can just say, please do what I should have been doing all year long because I've become lazy.
I did buy a more vigourous tooth brush to help make sure I am not a complete slacker.
I think Dylan's pink hat story stems from his dad's femine side!
I almost wrote Number 5 on my stupid things about me! I can't believe it. It's so weird. I'll brush my teeth, pee, read for ten minutes, turn out the light and then go back and pee just one more time. If I don't--i won't fall asleep.
Well....I figured since I was tagged by Ted....I'd see what his other victims wrote, LOL.....I have commonality with your #'s 1, 3, and 4.....maybe they are univeral human characteristics?????
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