Even more odd, the box was sent to "JMKD Productions," a title Michael once used as a signature on a home video of the boys' first year. Also listed was a phone number to our supposed office (Proctor & Gamble apparently think JMKD Productions is a dental office as the box also included the following message: "Thank you for recommending Crest to your patients"). I called the phone number and received an error-type of message.
Since I have no idea as to WHY this box arrived at our doorstep, I will contemplate WHAT to do with 72 tubes of trial-size toothpaste (oops, I mean 71--Michael wanted to use one of them last night, just for fun).
- Insert ornament holders into the bottoms and decorate the Christmas tree
- Discreetly place them on co-workers desks
- Attach them to the tops of holiday gifts
- Develop my own line of practical jewelry
- Be "that house" and pass them out on Halloween
- Empty all of the toothpaste into a plastic container and then just dip my toothbrush in whenever I need toothpaste
- Donate them to the local food bank?
- Generate an additional income by selling them at a cheaper price than the supermarkets
- Use 1 a day for 71 days until I develop OCD habits and need to seek therapy
- Take the delivery as a message from God that I am 4 MONTHS OVERDUE for my dental check-up and need to call immediately to make an appointment!
I believe the "miracle of 72 sample tubes of toothpaste" can be attributed to your Aunt Laurie, who spoke of sending these samples out to family members in a recent e-mail. Happy Brushing!
Everyone should have a bright smile! And besides, don't Kyle & Dylan have teeth to brush? :-D
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